Sunday, April 13, 2014


Man what a guitar sound these guys have. Jameson, a thrash/metal/metalcore outfit from Los Angeles, CA, are out there pummeling people to death with an incredibly talented guitarist, an equally impressive drummer, and all the cookie monster growls you can ask for.  For the most part these guys knock you into submission, only letting up for the guitarist to kick out driving, blistering solo. One can't mistake the Unearth and In Flames or Lamb of God likeness but at the same time Jameson is there own piece of that pie. Think of them as a birth child of those bands, taking all the parts that make them great and mashing them together. The breakdowns of Unearth, the riffs of In Flames, and the vocals of Lamb of God and so on. Each song starts off with an aggressive intro that blends beautifully(dare I say that word) with the main groove. They also seem to have a sense of humor about them. With song titles like "Rocktimus Prime," and "Greetings from Lord Humongous" to name a few. Hell they even did a pretty masterful rendition of Micheal Jacksons "Beat It." A song that, against all odds, is awesome to put it simply. The song will change your mood, almost makes you feel angry, but you can't help but turn it up loud and jam away until your ears bleed.  Come to think of it, maybe that's why your angry in the first place. They have produced one independently released full length album in 2008 that I found is available to buy on Amazon U.K. and Canada but not the U.S version. A decent review was written about it on that helps describe the band to a tee. Check these guys out but make sure your death bed is ready for when they knock you down and kick your teeth in, not letting up until they feel good and ready. I'm not kidding, these guys kick and pummel you from opening note to closing beat.

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